In alchemy with Evals!
15A digitalized BPI accelerator !
In association with BPI France and thanks to the co-financing of the OPCA DEFI, the FEBEA (beauty companies’ federation) and the other associated federations launched a growth accelerator for companies counting less than 300 employees to boost the growth of SMEs and mid-cap companies and to help them to face future challenges (innovation, competencies evolution, IT…). Society members are selected through their transformation potential, development ambition and their dynamism in employment/competencies.
The 15th and 16th May 2019, the Accélérateur Chimie gathered the group of the year 2018-2019 (about 50 chemistry sector’s professionals) in the ESCP Europe Business School’s rooms during 2 days to exchange around the main subjects : the international attractiveness and the external growth.
In order to bring a “Digital touch” during the event, organizers chose Evals! An interactive start enabled a collect of the international position of the guests, via mini-surveys on the app. Then, after workshops per group in “design thinking” mode, Evals allowed an original and interactive pooling. Indeed, during a short break, the four best ideas of each group were entered in Evals. For the collective restitution, pitches came one after the other, punctuated each time by a vote from the participants for the powerful idea of the presented project. It was a real convivial moment which has highlighted the benefit of mixing creative methods with post-it and a digital approach to quickly focus the suggestions of each group of the Accélérateur Chimie, even anonymously. At least, a key idea was emerged from each theme.
A “digital open mic” was also set up to ask questions anonymously and freely during the two days to get live feedbacks at the end of the event to collect promptly the participants’ feelings.
“The functionalities of Evals, highly customizable and perfectly adapted to the three key moments of the two days, has boosted and favored discussions and informal records ; while giving the organizers a dynamic overview concerning the participants’ expectations. Evals represents now an essential solution for all our events !” Sébastien Le Coz – Président – AVETA GLOBAL SAS