
Moments of interactive breathing with evals at Jules Vernes University

Jules Vernes University opened their door on the 5th of July 2018 at Polytch’ NantesPolytech Nantes. During this day, almost 700 professionals who are sensitive about entrepreneurship and the territory growth were reunited together with a common theme :

“Why don’t we take time to be performant ?”

The day was rhythmed by 6 round tables, 6 workshop and 2 conferences and everything was hosted by 40 speakers who used the Evals.frEvals solution during their presentation. Thanks to this solution, every participants could interact with activities in real-time. This way, the public could ask anonymous questions on round table but also answer to some mini sounding about different subjects.

Two games were also offer by Evals during this event : Sans titre

One with Air France with a digital random draw and the other with the Caisse d’Epargne of Britanny was a quiz.

We wanted to say congratulations to all thewinners and participants.

Day’s program, partners, game regulation and assessment in real time of the event were also reachable on the Evals Portal of the UJV44.