PwC’s huge conventions are hosted and digitized by Evals
To host and digitize their convention, PwC used the Evals solution.
On December, PwC expert organized and hosted Le Tour de France and IFRS in seven big city of French West Coast.
To galvanize these events and make them interactive, PwC use Evals to make their audience speak.
During all of the event, participants had the possibility to ask their questions directly on evals.fr but also to have a break while answer to a quiz made for test their knowledge on different subjects.
To close down the convention, they could give their opinion on the event and leave their contact details.
“Evals is a tool which can transform our workshop playful and lively. The use of Evals give our brand image an originality touch but also a modern one. Evals is an intuitive tool, simple of use and it answer perfectly to our expectations.
We use it during our technical convention and we suggest it to our clients and prospects. We use it particularly at the end of our convention with an satisfaction questionnaire. The hosting is simple for host but also for participants. Utilization of these questionnaire are really easy to handle. Check in online graph permit us a real time gain to our starkness and PowerPoint presentations. Digital answer rate is higher than the paper one.”
We also use it during our huge convention who gathered between 40 and 150 people in 7 city of French West Coast. This is why we used a Quiz, this was the simplest way to interact with the participants while modernize conventions.
Thanks to the team who is professional, nice and available.” Gwladys MERCIER, Event planner, PwC French West Coast